Whatchu talkin bout Willis?!

so, in my search for people like me out there...30 somethings that have been diagnosed with kidney cancer, the pickin's are slim. many personal blogs are about random drama in people's lives that few other people in this world give a rat's a$$ about...this one will probably be no different. although the main subject will be my cancer, i'm sure i will go off on random tangents about anything from mixed emotions to who cut me off on the highway today. im not an english major...i wont capitalize or punctuate correctly, i will change tenses and i will speak like a g33k from time to time. basically i will be me...because i can hide behind my computer screen and its great!

ps...i will also jump around...my mind is all over the place all the time...

Friday, December 12, 2008

caught up in christmas cheer....sort of.

sorry its taken me so long to update the thanksgiving week from hell. well, i went in for my IV infusion of magnesium and that went fine. then i went to be drained and that went as it usually does. the PA didn't get me with the first poke and had to do it again and deeper like i told her in the first place. i understand why these people don't want to listen to me, the patient....it makes it seem like im telling them how to do their job. im really not. im a good patient most of the time. i put on my big girl pants and deal, but i know my body better than anybody AND i have been drained several times now and have actually had one of the PA's tell me to tell the next one details about me to make it go more smoothly. to just go in on the left, no matter what the right side shows on the ultrasound. i need 2 shots of lidocane and they have to go deep...farther than they think before the fluid will start coming out. see, there is a lot of scar tissue built up on that side, which is why they have to go in deeper than they think. they tell me every time that there is scar tissue there from them poking me....i try to explain that i have only been poked 4 or 5 times in a year and that i have a whole lotta mess going on on the left side that has nothing to do with a little poke in the side.

anyhoo, once that was all over i was finally able to relax and try to have a nice thanksgiving. BUT, and there always seems to be a but doesn't there....i was in a lot of pain. really sore from being drained this time. so, i wasn't able to do a whole lot the rest of the week. i did manage to help with some of the cooking, but not much. i was able to eat tho...and that was the main goal. to feed my skinny ass!

so, beginning of the week, not so good, but by the end of the week i was doing pretty well. now i am completely caught up in the race to christmas. shopping, wrapping, decorating....uggg....who's idea was it to do all this work for one day? it's like "keeping up with the jones'" on my street. one house puts up some lights...then the next house puts some up....then the first house puts up more. its insane. i actually went out and bought one of those lit animals. its a polar bear playing with a red ball that lights up and moves back and forth. it in no way competes with the people across the street from me. OH NO....they have a 7ft. blow up snowman that stares at my house all day/night long AND a 6ft. blow up snow globe in addition to the lights on their house. look out clark griswald....you've got competition. i think i actually heard a plane that was coming into charlotte-douglas change course because they thought the griswald wanna-bees house across the street was the beginning of the runway.

oh well, it's all good fun and holiday cheer right?! go in debt shopping for decorations and presents and get half a dozen paper cuts wrapping. but, it's all worth it for one day of glory where the retail therapy has paid off as you watch everyone open their presents.

oh, i do have a regular follow up appointment this thurs. 12/18. its just the 3wk routine visit, but i will try to get a quick update/post on here after that appointment to let everyone know how it went before the holidays.


Anonymous said...

I hope everything works out for you on Thursday.
Eagerly reading-
Inspector #12

Anonymous said...

Thinkin' about you Bear! I hate Christmas! Okay, so I'm lying! But I'm sure good at faking the hate :-) Love your post - glad you're giving Lefty a run for his money. You know I love you!

Blogally Yours,

Anonymous said...

I'll be thinking about you on Thursday. Love Ya Lots.

Anonymous said...

The Big Day is here. Good luck!
-Inspector #12