Whatchu talkin bout Willis?!
so, in my search for people like me out there...30 somethings that have been diagnosed with kidney cancer, the pickin's are slim. many personal blogs are about random drama in people's lives that few other people in this world give a rat's a$$ about...this one will probably be no different. although the main subject will be my cancer, i'm sure i will go off on random tangents about anything from mixed emotions to who cut me off on the highway today. im not an english major...i wont capitalize or punctuate correctly, i will change tenses and i will speak like a g33k from time to time. basically i will be me...because i can hide behind my computer screen and its great!
ps...i will also jump around...my mind is all over the place all the time...
Friday, May 30, 2008
Back to the Future....Sutent!
go sutent...go sutent...go sutent!!!!
will keep you posted on whether i am once again a human pincushion next week or whether sutent is winning.
adios team bean saver!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
MmmmMMmm Sutent.....again....
anyway, my dr. decided to start me back on the 37.5mg (4weeks on, 2 weeks off) dose of sutent while i am still rebuilding my stamina. since i tolerated the 50mg dose so well before, he thought that i would be fine in my weakened condition on the 37.5mg dose while i continued to get stronger for my next battle in the war on CDRCC. so, i will start on the new dose cycle middle of next week.....insurance is slow with the approval of the Rx cuz of the holiday weekend...uggg. the drug store has pre-approval, but can't hook me up until the final paperwork is in. so annoying. i've been approved so many times for so many drugs, it's hard to believe that it is taking this much time at this point.
anyway, that's the only news i have....starting back on a lower dose of sutent while i rebuild my strength, re-evaluate after this first cycle back to see if he wants to put me on another round of the 50mg or whether i can get strong enough fast enough to try the chemo cocktail in 6 weeks or so. i will keep everyone posted on that. losing my hair...that will really suck...yes, i am vain about my hair. i am a leo and have always had a "mane". that will be hard to get over when the side effect kicks in. forget the white hair that sutent gives me. hopefully we won't be attempting that treatment until after summer.
thanks as always for all the support. hope to see many of you soon and talk to those that i can't see soon as well.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
okay....here's the scoop....finally.
also, whomever took it upon themselves to leave the jackass comment about me making them care and then leaving them hanging as far as the blog, they can fuck off...point blank. sorry if i offended anyone else reading, but i am not writing this for anyone other than myself. i am not writing it to "make people care about me". who would be so pitiful to do that? i am writing it for my sanity, to document my progress or lack there of, to let the people that ALREADY care know what is going on the easiest way possible as well as to let other people in my situation see that they are not alone. it was a rude comment and yes, i could have been dead for all this person knew. so, enough about that...i am not going to say any more about it except to state that i hope that the person that left the comment has since removed the link to my blog and does not continue to delude themselves that they are a caring person because they think they feel empathy for my pain.
In case some of you are wondering what comment i am referring to, it is in the comments section (anonymous comment #2) of the April 19th post "speedbump within the speedbump ... :(."
okay, on to other news....
percocet used to be my friend...then it started to make me sick. i could barely eat, it made me nauseous just to think of food...i was dehydrated cuz i could barely keep anything down. over a weeks time, i got my percocet dose down to 2.5 pills a day, then i went off it completely. i felt like i was detoxing off of meth or something. it was horrible. i was sick as a dog for 4 days....felt like johnny cash in "walk the line". couldn't move from one room to the next without running for the bathroom to dry heave.
after i made it through those 2 weeks of hell and was completely off of the percocet, i was finally able to start trying to eat normal food again...it was very hard and i had to force it down. one night my stomach ballooned up and we called the dr. the next day. Because of the timing, the nurse thought it was gas issues because the percocet had messed up my system. so, they told me what to eat and what not to eat...also to try to add probiotics back into my system to help my stomach learn to digest again....this went on for another week. my belly looked like i was 4 or 5 months pregnant and it was extremely painful. i was scheduled for a ct scan on May 12th and a follow up appointment on May 13th with dr doom to discuss next steps. well, when they scanned me, they told me that i had a bunch of fluid in my belly and it wasn't gastrointestinal problems at all. they called dr. doom and wanted to do a paracentesis right away to get the fluid down. i was not at my usual ct scan place cuz they were all booked, so i was at mercy instead of main or the other option i use sometimes. the dr at mercy started to drain the fluid and there was blood in it so he stopped and called my dr. again. dr. doom said to stop and have me come over to his offices right away. at this point, i knew he was going to admit me to the hospital. we left and went to dr dooms and after a short wait in the infusion center, i was admitted to the hospital.
so....i was in the hospital again....for 5 days.
the fluid build up was due to a couple cancer nodules that have attached themselves to the outer lining of my stomach....in the cavity of your torso where there is a lot of room for fluid to build up. i really looked like i was 4 or 5 months pregnant. it was extremely painful....
they drained 8 liters of fluid off of me....2 gallons...16lbs! 4 during each session over 2 days. since i have never been drained before, they only do 4 liters at a time so your body doesn't go into shock and you end up in ICU. it felt so much better after they drained it. then i was in extreme pain a few hours after they drained it cuz my body didn't know what to do with the extra room and it was killing me. a couple nights in the hospital like that and i was about to lose it. one funny story the tech told me was that he had a little old lady in there one night and they were draining her belly...he said they were on their 10th liter....that's over 20lbs of liquid! anyway, he said she had been really quiet and finally said "wow, now i know who's causing the drought around here!" hahaha...i was cracking up.
the whole time in the hospital i was still battling nausea and pain and not being able to sleep, then ONLY being able to sleep. i was released on Friday may 16th and have been getting better every day now that i am home again. my belly is still sore from the surgery and the fluid drain, but i am finally on the mend...i can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. it has been a long and bumpy road.
i have an appointment tomorrow to talk next steps in treatment finally. they are going to start me back on the sutent as soon as possible to take care of the weeping cancer nodules in my belly. right now i am on steroids to try to help control the inflammation and weeping of fluid.
that is the only progression of the cancer during this whole recovery....the rest of the area that had been reduced already showed little change, so that is really good that it didn't come back like gangbusters while i was down and out.
luckily, CDRCC (what they finally determined i had) responds to sutent the same as the most common type, clear cell. BUT, it also has shown some response to a nexavar and chemo cocktail combo that other RCC types do not respond to....so, i actually am rare as shit, but have a couple more options now for treatment that i didn't have before.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
having a rough time....
thank you for your interest and support. i truly appreciate it.