Whatchu talkin bout Willis?!

so, in my search for people like me out there...30 somethings that have been diagnosed with kidney cancer, the pickin's are slim. many personal blogs are about random drama in people's lives that few other people in this world give a rat's a$$ about...this one will probably be no different. although the main subject will be my cancer, i'm sure i will go off on random tangents about anything from mixed emotions to who cut me off on the highway today. im not an english major...i wont capitalize or punctuate correctly, i will change tenses and i will speak like a g33k from time to time. basically i will be me...because i can hide behind my computer screen and its great!

ps...i will also jump around...my mind is all over the place all the time...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Break time!!!!

w00t! w00t! i had my usual 3 week check up today and dr. doom said he wanted to try a new sutent schedule on for size. i am to go 2 weeks on 1 week off and see how that works for me. he said that there is some data that suggests that with clear cell RCC at least, frequent breaks has increased the amount of shrinkage. since my type of RCC is responding to sutent the same as clear cell, he wants to see if it will also respond to this type of schedule. i don't care what his reasons are, all i know is that i get more breaks which means less side effects which means a happier me! yippie!

my next appt. isn't until thanksgiving week...i will have my 3 month scan that week as well. this is one time when shrinkage is a good thing. hehe. :)

anyway, that's all that i have to report today. happy halloween team beansaver!

Friday, October 17, 2008

plop plop fizz fizz oh what a relief it is...

well, i was off of the sutent for 3-4 days, ok, technically 5 days. i started back on monday the 13th. just having a few days off made a big difference in the % of my day spent on the pot. i actually was able to go 2 days with only going poo 1 time! woohoo!!!! and it went "plop plop" rather than sounding like a chunky liquid explosion.

SOLID...solid as a rock!!! my poo was solid...and now im feeling so hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot....

hopefully you guys remember that song, otherwise it just looks like im losin it. :) well, it prob looks like i lost it a while ago. ha!

at any rate, the solid poo celebration was short lived because within 3 days of going back on the sutent, solid was once again not a member of my bathroom vocabulary list. have you ever noticed that your vocabulary list changes based on what is important in your life at the time? like when someone is dating or interested in "hooking up" with a bunch of people, they have a million words in the front of their mind which either describe or mean "sex". or for cultures that value something, they have a crapload of words to describe or refer to that most valued thing...IE money, moola, cash, cashola, bills, benjamens, coin, bucks, etc. etc. so, in my world, i think im up to approx. 30 different ways to describe what has just exploded from my ass....sorry to be so crass and blunt, but hey, that's life baby...why sugar coat it?! Mmmm...sugar coated anything sounds good.

so, that about sums it up. nothing else new to report...just the usual fatigue and i can't taste a damn thing. everything tastes like cardboard...well, except for sweet things. for some reason my taste buds can still taste sweet, but savory/salty, sour, etc. are out the window. really sucks cuz i LOVE food....those of you that know me from when i was a fatass can confirm this. i got along with food really well, now....not-so-much! this side effect really sucks because as some of you are well aware, my dad can cook his ass off...i'm talkin' yummy, tongue smackin' your lips till they are swollen yummy. port wine reductions, cantalope bisques, blood orange and fennel salads, all yummy, all fresh, all the time. i'm going to dad's for din-din tonight....wonder what tasty treats will be on the menu and i wonder if i will be able to taste anything. i sure hope so!

well, team beansaver....as always, thanks for reading and praying and crossing fingers. love to all my peeps!

ok, so, after i posted this, my mom, yes my MOM who is usually much more proper than i am....MUCH more, sent me this link. i haven't laughed so hard in weeks. thanks for the inappropriate humor mom! love ya!


I highly recommend the KFC Poo Report....it is priceless.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Are we there yet?!

so, i had my usual 3 week check up appt and it went as usual. dr. doom wanted me to take a 3 or 4 day break to see if i could get some relief from the mouth sensitivity and then start back on the sutent before the fluid had a chance to build up. today is day 3 and i have no sign of relief yet...these meds really build up and start to take their tole. i've also not been feeling well for the past few days...not exactly "sick" but like i'm suffering from really bad allergies or something. at any rate, i finally felt a little relief last night, but i'm still not feeling so hot. constantly battling an "off" feeling and a lot of nausea. :(

anyway, just wanted to give a quick update since i had an appt. there really isn't much to report.