Whatchu talkin bout Willis?!

so, in my search for people like me out there...30 somethings that have been diagnosed with kidney cancer, the pickin's are slim. many personal blogs are about random drama in people's lives that few other people in this world give a rat's a$$ about...this one will probably be no different. although the main subject will be my cancer, i'm sure i will go off on random tangents about anything from mixed emotions to who cut me off on the highway today. im not an english major...i wont capitalize or punctuate correctly, i will change tenses and i will speak like a g33k from time to time. basically i will be me...because i can hide behind my computer screen and its great!

ps...i will also jump around...my mind is all over the place all the time...

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ahh Haa! THAT's why...


this week i was reminded why i keep fighting, enduring the side effects, enduring the pain....of course it is because i want to live, but more importantly, i want to beat this! each day, each month, each year i can hang on, science progresses and new treatments are approved by the FDA. (see link above). this drug is very promising. it appears to have the same if not better results than sutent AND it targets the malignant cells only whereas sutent starves all cells and the malignant cells simply happen to grow and thus die faster than normal cells. from everything i have read so far, it would seem that i am a candidate for this new drug. if i am not, i'm sure i will be soon. i am going to mention it to my dr. tomorrow and ask him if he has any additional data that would lead him to believe it is a good thing for me to look at trying out. the side effects seem to be similar, but it doesn't say anything about discoloration of the skin and hair. that would be great! no more white hair and white eyebrows and white eyelashes.

to all the science geeks and mathletes out there...THANK YOU! thank you for being passionate in your nerdiness and your quest for bigger and better treatments and cures!


Anonymous said...

Hooray for new drugs!!!

Inspector #12

BeanSaverMom said...

And hooray for your determination!!! Your fan club and booster club members are rooting you on to victory and ready to support you in any way possible! GO BEANSAVER!!!

Anonymous said...

Hooray for you! Hooray for new drugs! And....Hooray for Team Beansaver! Love You.

Aunt Deb

Anonymous said...

I see the "YOU FOUGHT AND WON!" banner blowing in the breeze in the near distance :-) Go Bear!!!


S. Bordeaux said...

This is wonderful, I hope you get the new drugs and do fabulously on them!!!!

Mick said...

Hi, have you asked about Toricel? It is an mTOR like Afinitor (the new drug in the link), and it has made a world of difference to my dad. He had moderate success with Sutent for a few months, and has been on Toricel since Thanksgiving 2008. He now has gone from paracentesis once a week (sometimes as much as 8 liters) to day 53 without being drained. No sores in the mouth or any of the other side effects of Sutent either.

I know this is totally anecdotal, and every body reacts differently to these drugs, but I thought that a story of a big lull in being drained (that must suck beyond belief) would give you hope too.

Keep up the fight, and beat this damn thing.

OK... back into lurker mode.
Mick in California

Suzy said...

I'm another 30something who had kidney cancer. I had a right radical nephrectomy in Dec of 08. RCC stage 1 Fuhrman 2. I found you from one of the facebook kidney cancer groups.

Pops said...

i'm a fellow stage IV rcc'er and a sutent soldier for over 2 year now. not sure how i found you, but i really enjoy your style, honesty, attitude and toughness. i've lived through all of the sutent sides that you've experienced... you are not alone. sorry that this hit you so young. i have a 30 yo daughter and can't imagine her going through this. i also have a dr doom who is see at the local cancer mall, but my primary onc is a rcc guru in boston. my dr doom (doom2) said that i'd never play golf again due to spinal mets. well in march i went to fla for some r and r with friends and played 2 full rounds. i even parred the first hole that i played after a 30 month layoff! take that dr doom2