the next morning, dr. doom again was early and said that he wasn't sure who's blood they had tested that morning, but it wasn't mine because the numbers were looking good and the hemoglobin was now high. ha! he seemed satisfied with where i stood chemically at that point and was just waiting to hear what dr. kickass had to say after she reviewed her test results. she and her lackey both came in later that day and said from their standpoint, the kidney and liver seemed just fine. that my creatinine levels continued to go down and that the kidney was functioning normally when it wasn't being "shocked" by the large drains. basically, if my organs were in a normal environment, they would be giving normal numbers. so, her conclusion was that if i could control the fluid buildup/drains and protect the kidney and liver by keeping the vascular system hydrated, that all should be fine and that they were perfectly healthy enough to try new treatments or whatever. if we could not control the vascular dehydration that was occurring due to the "stealing" of fluid to fill the void in my belly every time i had a large drain, then the numbers i was seeing would get worse and with my weight and muscle mass and those numbers, my kidney was only functioning at 30% at times. for example, when the creatinine his almost a 4....that was very bad.
so, dr. kickass recommended a couple options that in her opinion would be worth a try. albumin after drains, smaller drains, another drug/supplement after drains and i can't remember the name but will have my dr. look into it, blood after drains in certain cases, etc. she used the blood after drains as an example because i just so happened to have needed blood after this drain due to other things being low and since blood does not leak like fluid does into my belly, it stayed in the vascular system and kept it hydrated. so, there are a lot of things to talk to dr. doom about during my next appt. which is wed 13th. hopefully we can come up with a plan.
lastly, after the para on my right side, i started to swell, as if i had a hematoma. i showed dr. doom and he ordered yet another ultrasound to see if there was a pocket of blood, but none showed on the ultrasound. so, i continued to swell...painfully so and on the last day, the day that dr. doom walks in and says that he will release me, but that dr. kickass(the kidney chick) didn't have much to say. funny, i thought she had a lot to say and all good! my kidney is good, we just need to keep it happy. that's a win as far as i am concerned, more work for him tho! sounds like they need to get on the same page...or maybe its me misunderstanding. anyway....he decides to order one more set of labs and MORE FREAKING FLUID BEFORE I AM RELEASED!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! i'm going to burst....the edema was its going to be terrible again! so, at 9am i am told i am going to be the time the order for fluid went through, and the vampire came to draw the blood(he was late cuz he hates to come out during the day) and then by the time all of the fluid and mg and K and sodium were pumped in me...i was released at 7 that night. swelling from edema and miserable. a day later, i developed a HUGE bruise on my side...about the size of an 8in frying pan. nice and purple. pretty. not sure where it came from, but it sure seems like it is a big ole hematoma breaking up and moving through my muscle and fat tissue with the edema. arrrrggggg!!!! its always something. i'll post a picture later when i can get one. it's good stuff. oh yeah, my creatinine was down to 1.7 before more fluid was ordered. thx for the going away present dr. doom! it was just great!
Pretty Bruise, huh?
I am very sorry your trip to the Hospital was so rotten. Next time you are going to have to bring a big stick (or stake). God Bless.
Inspector Number 12
What a nightmare... I know ER folks can do great things but pretending they know what to do when they don't is criminal. I hope you're feeling better now that you're home and that the bruise disappears quickly. Fingers crossed that some of dr. kickass's suggestions help with future paras.
Sarah!!!! Are you sure one of those damn vampires didn't come in and just beat you during the night? Oh my God - that bruise is huge and horrible :-( You would think by now hospitals would get good vampires in who get things right on the first strike...and that goes for "tubal specialists" too! ARGH! Keep up the good fight sister! Miss you and love you lots and lots. Wondertart
Geee....sorry for all you have been going through.
How are you doing?
I hope you'll feel better soon.
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