Whatchu talkin bout Willis?!

so, in my search for people like me out there...30 somethings that have been diagnosed with kidney cancer, the pickin's are slim. many personal blogs are about random drama in people's lives that few other people in this world give a rat's a$$ about...this one will probably be no different. although the main subject will be my cancer, i'm sure i will go off on random tangents about anything from mixed emotions to who cut me off on the highway today. im not an english major...i wont capitalize or punctuate correctly, i will change tenses and i will speak like a g33k from time to time. basically i will be me...because i can hide behind my computer screen and its great!

ps...i will also jump around...my mind is all over the place all the time...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Dates, Dates and More Dates...

this is just a quick update on all of my appointments coming up. the Jan 23rd appointment went as usual, the only thing that came out of it was that they reduced my thyroid meds from 75mcg to 25mcg. other than that, same ole same ole. i was fighting a head cold last week which is not a good thing to have to do when your white cells are down because of the sutent, but i managed to kick it to the curb. :)

okay, the upcoming appointments...the first one is on Feb. 11th for my next scan, yes, yucky, nasty, disgusting drinky dye. uuuggggggg. i have a follow up appointment on feb 12th to look at the scans and talk about next steps. then, on march 11th i have what will hopefully be a pre-op meeting with the surgeon. that's it. the only addition was the feb 12th appointment. i'll update if anything changes.


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