Whatchu talkin bout Willis?!
so, in my search for people like me out there...30 somethings that have been diagnosed with kidney cancer, the pickin's are slim. many personal blogs are about random drama in people's lives that few other people in this world give a rat's a$$ about...this one will probably be no different. although the main subject will be my cancer, i'm sure i will go off on random tangents about anything from mixed emotions to who cut me off on the highway today. im not an english major...i wont capitalize or punctuate correctly, i will change tenses and i will speak like a g33k from time to time. basically i will be me...because i can hide behind my computer screen and its great!
ps...i will also jump around...my mind is all over the place all the time...
Sunday, August 31, 2008
back to the usual topic....me.
You can't make this sh!t up....
second, i grew up near the Chesapeake bay....crab country. i miss a good crab cake damnit. the one thing they know how to do down south is mess up a crab dish. people....green peppers RUIN crab flavor. yuck! and, let me tell you, if you are at a restaurant that is 100miles or more from the Chesapeake bay, DO NOT BELIEVE IT when the menu says "Maryland Style Crab Cakes". they are lying. what you will get is a crab cake with too much filler, green peppers and stringy, nasty, tiny bits of crab meat...nowhere will you find true "lump crab" unless you are near the Chesapeake bay. so, i miss a good crab cake. yeah i know you can order them and have them shipped to you, but that's just not the same. so, here's another shout out to TRUE Chesapeake bay style Maryland crab cakes. YUMMY TO MY TUMMY!
this is my pup...when he was a pup....he will be 8 on halloween.
so, the next day i get a call...his teeth cleaned up great, the cracked molar isn't bothering him so they want to leave it in for now and just keep an eye on it, the skin tags came off fine but the one that needed stitches became "angry" when he was in recovery and this is not normal. she took a tissue sample via a syringe and looked at it under the microscope and determined that the pathology was cancerous. WTF?! are you freaking kidding me?! now my dog has cancer. is there something in the water, something in my house? come on...my luck has got to change soon! she tells me that if i agree, another vet (one that knows me and my dog) can perform surgery sunday(today) to remove the entire tumor from his forearm. she says that this type of cancer has a good prognosis if the entire tumor can be removed. HELL YEAH REMOVE THE DAMN THING! ASAP! fix my baby! at least one of us can say we are in "remission".
i don't know exactly what type it is...i didn't catch all of the details she was telling me because i was in shock about my luck. i was thinking "what's next?". i am supposed to get a call with an update today after his surgery. i'll post what i find out. this time cross your fingers, toes, legs arms and eyes for my dog!
this is my pup now. what a sweetie!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Lovely new side effect...
My ears were burnin'!!
first, there was some fluid in the bottom of my left lung that had been there for some time, but he wasn't too worried about it...this time on the scan...it didn't show up at all...completely gone.
second, i had up to 50% reduction in cancerous tissue around several of my lymph nodes...GRRRREAAT!!
third, there were 3 lesions on my liver on the previous scan that were now gone...however, there was a new spot that dr. doom wasn't sure about and needed to consult with the radiologist about.
fourth, and yes, i saved the best for last...the cancerous tissue in and around my kidney had also been reduced significantly. (i don't have a percentage for that one yet) dr. doom was very pleased with my continued response to sutent and presented my case on monday. he loves me cuz im a good success story for him so far...and i love it because it motivates him even more to get me into remission! that is a long way off and a tough road that i will have to travel, but that is the ultimate goal of course.
well, that's the news that fit to print folks. i am going to Va Beach over labor day weekend for a much needed vacation away from hospitals and dr.'s and the C word. i am most likely starting back on the sutent when i get back from vacation....fun, fun, fun. hopefully the side effects will be delayed for a couple weeks this time....that would be wonderful.
thanks team bean saver! hope your summers have been great and your vacations have been restful. i'll update when/if i learn more details about my scans.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Happy Anniversary Lefty!
Wed. Aug. 20th is my next scan to see what lefty's been up to...sneaky little bastard that he is. the last scan was back in May and it was simply to get a benchmark after surgery. i was not back on any meds at that point. on scan day i will have been on a full cycle of 37.5mg(4wks) and a constant dose of 25mg for 7 weeks. hopefully it is still doing something in there! the side effects are kicking my butt so it better be kicking some cancer butt in addition to mine.
i'll update the blog as soon as i can once i get some news about my scans. one thing i can go ahead and report is that the fluid is not building up nearly as fast. in fact, it is hard to tell if it is building up at all or if some days i just have gas bloating my belly. :)
cross your fingers, toes, legs, arms for scan day team bean saver! thanks!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Drink your milk!
hopefully this will be the last post for a couple weeks...until my next check up. remember, no news is good news right now. holding steady with crappy side effects..that's my story and im stickin' to it! :P
on another note...i got a wii finally!! w00t! challengers...any challengers? who wants to kick the cancer patients' ass in some Kung Fu Panda!?